Friday, August 22, 2008
In Jesus' Name...

Monday, July 28, 2008
The Power in a Seed

- To the Christian, you have the power to reach and influence a great many people that have lost their direction and can't find their way!
- To the Sinner, you have tried other things to create life within yourself by planting or investing yourself in the erodong soil of this world! No one can successfully be rooted in a world that is failing because of its sin and hope to survive the coarse weathering of life!
- To the Back-Slider, you've become hardened on the outside, but there is potential and hope for the inside! The Master Potter wants to re-plant you in the sunshine of His love!
To anyone who will allow God to be God in their life, he will bring Life to the Deadness, and a Harvest from just an old, dormant seed! Such is the power that's in a seed!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
William Dawes..Who are you?

As the enemy came under the shadows of twilight, William and Paul set out to be the clarion voices of readiness!
They coordinated with the watchtower near the ocean, and waited for the signal = 1 if by land, 2 if by sea. And at midnight, when the lamps were lit, William and Paul, decided to ride into destiny, and warn the neighboring villages with voices sounding like a trumpet to the sleeping people…that ... "the British were coming! The British were coming!"
We are approaching that time of the year when we celebrate our country's independence from the British in the late 1700's. And being an absolute American History junkie and avid reader, many times I come across alot of stories of our Founding Father's and about those who were so willing to put themselves in harm's way for the future and vision of a new nation! It demanded sacrifice, courage, and perseverance through adversity mixed with blood.
The story of the Midnight Ride is one of those compelling stories. Read on, and I'll tell you why...
By now, its easy to guess that one of the riders was Paul Revere, whose timely announcement prepared the colonials to rise and be ready to the coming enemy advance!
William Dawes performed the same actions that Revere had; was moved with the same "like" actions of patriotism; desired to help prepare his countrymen for the sure war of the Revolution…but his place in history is in anonymity!
When taking a closer look, we find the reason why Willian Dawes' place in American History is lost!!!
- When Dawes started his ride, he took a lesser route…in other words, he went the wrong way! This simply means by having a message that could've prepared the sleeping colonials, he decided to go away from the areas where the general populace lived!
- By choosing to go the opposite direction of where he should have gone, convinces us that He didn’t see the priority to sticking to the main roads and to the populated areas!
- May I say that the message of Acts 2:38 still works! There is no need to go away from it!
- This trip down the wrong roads illustrates that he could've only wanted the path of least resistance!
- He traded the more important things of what he should have been doing for easier living of not being involved at all!
- 2 Tim. 1:7 says..."For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind!
- Sometimes, fear grips our hearts about the things that we KNOW we should do! Fearful, of living for God; of making a solid committment, and afraid of what the enemy would do to us, if we are caught trying to do right!
- The sad truth about it was that both William Dawes and Paul Revere did get caught! When Revere convinced his captors that he wasn't a threat, THEY LET HIM GO! Want to know what Revere did after this? You guessed it, he got back on the horse and rode, continuing on into American lore!
- But as for Dawes, he so shook with fright, that he was considered a non-threat...and was let go! OUCH!
3) DAWES GOT LOST WHILE RIDING! He became unsure of his direction on his way back home! Simply, he LOST HIMSELF!
- Jesus spoke in 3 Parables of something being lost. Sheep, Coin, Prodigal Son. Notice, in these parables, Jesus was speaking about the three stages of living for God, (The sinner, the saint, and the backslider). So, Jesus was trying to drive the message home! No matter what you're spiritual status is...we all can lose direction in our lives, and that applies to Christians also!
- Someone said, "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!" No one intends to be lost, but if we dont have a "route of riding" like ol' Dawes didn't, you won't get to the spiritual destination that you desire!
4) Dawes was not a public man, he was unknown because he wasn't completely committed to the rebellion against tyranny! HE WAS APATHETIC IN HIS INTENT.
- During the planned rebellion and the response to the repercussions of the Boston Tea party, Revere was a member of the Sons Of Liberty, Dawes was not! Which meant that all Dawes was, was a casual spectator unwilling to engage the enemy when he was needed the most! He was committed just enough to ease his conscience, but not sold-out!
- Just like in the church, we need to make sure we are living what we say we are! Our warnings of endtime could be falling on deaf ears because of our lives and how we live them! It is very important to be who we say we are!
The Midnight Ride poem written by Helen F. Moore in 1896"
The Midnight Ride of William Dawes
I am a wandering, bitter shade,Never of me was a hero made;Poets have never sung my praise,Nobody crowned my brow with bays;And if you ask me the fatal cause,I answer only, "My name was Dawes"
'Tis all very well for the children to hearOf the midnight ride of Paul Revere;But why should my name be quite forgot,Who rode as boldly and well, God wot?Why should I ask? The reason is clear --My name was Dawes and his Revere.
When the lights from the old North Church flashed out,Paul Revere was waiting about,But I was already on my way.The shadows of night fell cold and grayAs I rode, with never a break or a pause;But what was the use, when my name was Dawes!
History rings with his silvery name;Closed to me are the portals of fame.Had he been Dawes and I Revere,No one had heard of him, I fear.No one has heard of me becauseHe was Revere and I was Dawes.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Memorial of a Memory

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Don't Miss The Obvious!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Lesson of the Pearl